Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Soran in Innovirus

Bulan lalu sewaktu acara Innovirus di kampus Kijang, junior-junior klub Odori Binus ngisi acara tampilin Soran! Aku gk ikut tampil karena sebelumnya belum sempat latihan terus, jadi cuma nonton ambil foto sama video-nya aja. Minna kakkoi yo!

A month ago during Innovirus in Kijang Campus, the juniors from Binus' Odori club performed Soran! I didn't participate because I haven't learn Soran before because I'm too busy, so I only watched and took a video. Everyone is so cool!

Suasana sebelum tampil. 
(Before performance)

Nadia langsung diwawancara sehabis tampil.
(Nadia being interviewed after performance)

Setelah selesai tampil, aku baru ikut latihan bareng mereka. Ini pertama kalinya aku latihan Soran. Yang sebelum2nya cuma belajar tarian Jepang-nya Ai-sensei. Senior yang ikut latihan cuma aku, sisanya angkatan di bawahku. Aku yang senior jadi junior-nya junior-juniorku deh, diajarin tariannya sama mereka. Hehehe~! XD

After performance, I started to practice with them. This was the first time I practiced Soran. Before I only practiced Ai-sensei's dances. I'm the only senior who joined the practice, while the rest are my juniors. I, the senior, became the junior of my juniors, being taught the dance by them. Hehehe~! XD

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