Kemarin seharusnya Ai-sensei datang dan bicara sama semua anggota klub Odori. Tapi, karena ada miskomunikasi akhirnya yang ikut meeting sama Ai-sensei dan Iin-senpai cuma aku, Lieny, dan Retin-senpai. Para kōhai harus ikut kelas untuk acara anak-anak Wakayama bulan Maret nanti.
Yesterday Ai-sensei was supposed to come and talk with every member of Odori club. But because there're miscommunications in the end the ones who participated in the meeting with Ai-sensei and Iin-senpai were only me, Lieny, and Retin-senpai. The underclassmen must get into a class for the upcoming Wakayama students event next March.
Meeting-nya jam 1 di kampus Kijang didampingi Hendy-sensei, tapi hanya pada bagian awalnya saja mengenai klub Odori Binus. Ai-sensei and Iin-sensei pertama meluruskan dulu kalau klub Odori Binus dan Misora Dancer adalah dua organisasi yang terpisah. Klub Odori milik Binus, sedangkan Misora Dancer milik Ai Project. Klub Odori Binus belajar Soran, tarian tradisional Indonesia, dan tarian Jepang yg dulu pernah diajarkan Nalti-sensei. Misora Dancer belajar tariannya Ai-sensei.
The meeting started at 1 p.m. at Kijang campus accompanied by Hendy-sensei, but only for the first part about Binus' Odori club. Ai-sensei and Iin-sensei first made it clear that Binus' Odori club and Misora Dancer are two different organisations. Odori club belongs to Binus while Misora Dancer belongs to Ai Project. Odori club practices Soran, traditional Indonesian dances, and Japanese dance that used to be taught by Nalti-sensei. Misora Dancer practices Ai-sensei's Japanese dances.
Aku harus konfirmasi dari kōhai2 siapa aja yang mau ikut Misora Dancer, yang biayanya juga harus ditanggung mereka sendiri (Rp.50.000,00). Untuk yang ikut Misora Dancer boleh tetap ikut klub Odori Binus, tapi mereka nggak boleh seenaknya ngajarin atau tampilin tarian Ai-sensei tanpa seizin beliau. Soalnya tarian Ai-sensei punya lisensi sendiri, yang boleh mengajarkan tarian Ai-sensei hanya beliau sendiri dan orang-orang yang sudah punya izin menjadi Coach resmi. Dan orang yang sudah menjadi Coach pun juga tetap harus meminta izin Ai-sensei terlebih dahulu kalau mau mengajarkan tariannya dan harus selalu kontak dengan beliau.
I must confirm from the underclassmen who wants to join Misora Dancer, in which the they must pay the cost themselves (Rp.50.000,00). For those who joins Misora Dancer can still join Binus' Odori club, but they can't just carelessly teaching or performing Ai-sensei's performance without her permission. Because Ai-sensei's dances has its own license, the only ones who are allowed to teach Ai-sensei's dances are Ai-sensei herself and people who already has official license to become a Coach. And even someone who already became a Coach still must ask for permission from Ai-sensei if he or she wants to teach her dances and must always in contact with Ai-sensei.
Kemudian masalah ketua Misora Dancer. Ketua terdahulu Retin-senpai akan segera lulus, jadi satu-satunya pilihan tinggal antara aku dan Lieny. Ai-sensei langsung bertanya kami berminat jadi ketua atau nggak. Jawaban kami berdua tentu saja: NO. Kenapa? Alasannya cuma satu: GK PEDE. Tapi akhirnya ditentuin sama yg bersangkutan yg jadi ketua Lieny dan aku jadi wakil ketua (Syukurlah) dan ketentuan itu udah final dan gk bisa diubah (Oh Yeah!).
And then the problem about leader of Misora Dancer. The previous leader, Retin-senpai soon will graduate, so the only options are either me or Lieny. Ai-sensei immediately asked whether we want to become a leader or not. Our answer was of course: NO. Why? There's only one reason: NO CONFIDENCE. But in the end Ai-sensei chose Lieny to become the leader while I become vice-leader (Phew) and that's decision was final and cannot be changed (Oh Yeah!)
Karena berbagai masalah sebelumya yang penyebab utamanya adalah kesulitan komunikasi, Ai-sensei memutuskan untuk memulai lagi Misora Dancer dari nol dengan perjanjian baru. Masalah ruangan untuk latihan di kampus Kijang pun juga akan segera ditangani kata Hendy-sensei. Jadi sekarang tinggal konfirmasi siapa saja yang mau ikut Misora Dancer dan terus bikin grup di FB karena lebih mudah komunikasi dengan Ai-sensei dengan cara itu.
Because of many problems before and the main cause was difficulties in communication, Ai-sensei decided to start Misora Dancer from scratch with new pact. The room for practice problem will also be handled immediately according to Hendy-sensei. So now only confirm who wants to join Misora Dancer and then create a group in FB because it's easier to contact Ai-sensei that way.
Setelah semua pembicaraan beres, Iin-senpai kasih kabar yang bener2 bikin kaget: Iin-senpai bulan depan bakal menikah! Tgl pernikahannya pas hari Valentine pula! Romantis~
Sebelum pulang, Ai-sensei kasih cemilan khas Indo yg beliau buat sendiri. Tapi kebanyakan buat dimakan bertiga, jadi kubagi-bagi juga ke teman-teman sekelas. Tapi semuanya gk begitu ngambil banyak, jadi sisa cemilannya masih banyak. Mau gk mau kubawa pulang semua deh. Banyak macam cemilannya dan rasanya juga bervariasi. Enak atau nggaknya, tergantung selera. Kalau menurutku pribadi, ENAK!
After everything was settled, Iin-senpai gave a really shocking news: Iin-senpai will get married next month! Furthermore at Valentine's Day! Romantic~
Before she went home, Ai-sensei gave us Indonesia snacks that she made herself. But it was too much for the three of us, so I shared it with my classmates. But everyone only took some and there were many leftovers. Without any choice I brought it home with me. There were many variations and the tastes also varies. Delicious or not depends on your taste. In my opinion, it's GOOD!
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