Kemarin, hari Minggu tgl 24 Januari ada latihan seperti biasa di Blok M Plaza lantai 6. Hari ini Ai Project kedatangan anggota baru, namanya Nita. Seperti biasa, latihannya tarian Planetarium dan Tegami. Kebanyakan masih pada susah hafalin dua tarian itu. Setelah selesai latihan dua tarian itu, berikutnya mengulang-ulang tarian yang sudah lama nggak dilatih: Mirai e, Chiisana Koi no Uta, Dōshite, Sakura Biyori, dan Ume nimo Haru. Kali ini latihannya lebih lama daripada minggu lalu, dari jam 11:00 sampai jam 14:00. Capek, tapi asyik~ (^_^)
Yesterday, Sunday 24th January there was a usual practice at 6th floor, Blok M Plaza. At this day Ai Project has a new member, her name is Nita. As usual, we practice Planetarium and Tegami dance. Most of us still has difficulty memorising those two dances. After finishing those two dances, next was repeating the dances that we hadn't practiced for long times: Mirai e, Chiisana Koi no Uta, Dōshite, Sakura Biyori, and Ume limo Haru. This time the practice took far longer than a week ago, from 11:00 a.m. until 14:00. p.m. Tiring, but fun~ (^_^)
Monday, January 25, 2016
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Latihan Odori di Plaza Blok M ~ Practice Odori at Blok M Plaza ~
Hari ini latihan Odori di lantai 6 Plaza Blok M. Tadinya maunya di Loop Station, tapi ada acara jadi gk bisa. Latihan kali ini Ai-sensei gk bisa datang, jadi yang mengajar Iin-senpai. Yang ikut latihan juga nggak begitu banyak, cuma berdelapan. Hari ini aku mulai latihan tarian baru: Tegami. Tariannya benar-benar feminin, jadi gerakan badan, bisa dibilang harus seperti seorang lady sejati (^w^). Harusnya pakai kertas, tapi karena nggak ada jadinya pakai obi untuk sementara. Setelah selesai Tegami, ngulang latihan tarian Planetarium dan Ume ni mo Haru. Tapi tarian yang paling diutamakan Planetarium karena semua diwajibkan buat hafalin sama lancarin tarian yang satu ini. Latihan hari ini nggak begitu lama seperti biasanya, selesainya jam setengah dua.
Today I practiced Odori in 6th Floor at Blok M Plaza. Initially we wanted to practice at Loop Station, but because there was an event, we couldn't. This time Ai-sensei couldn't come so Iin-senpai was the one who taught us. There weren't many who came to practice, only eight of us. Today I learned new dance: Tegami (Letter). The dance is really feminine, so the body movements must really like a true lady (^w^). I was supposed to use a paper, but I didn't have one so I used my obi for a while. After Tegami was finished, we repeated Planetarium dance and Ume ni mo Haru. But the dance that took priority was Planetarium because everyone was told to memorize this one dance. Today's training didn't last that long like usual, it finished at 14.00. p.m.
Today I practiced Odori in 6th Floor at Blok M Plaza. Initially we wanted to practice at Loop Station, but because there was an event, we couldn't. This time Ai-sensei couldn't come so Iin-senpai was the one who taught us. There weren't many who came to practice, only eight of us. Today I learned new dance: Tegami (Letter). The dance is really feminine, so the body movements must really like a true lady (^w^). I was supposed to use a paper, but I didn't have one so I used my obi for a while. After Tegami was finished, we repeated Planetarium dance and Ume ni mo Haru. But the dance that took priority was Planetarium because everyone was told to memorize this one dance. Today's training didn't last that long like usual, it finished at 14.00. p.m.
Friday, January 15, 2016
Rapat Misora Dancer ~ Misora Dancer Meeting ~
Kemarin seharusnya Ai-sensei datang dan bicara sama semua anggota klub Odori. Tapi, karena ada miskomunikasi akhirnya yang ikut meeting sama Ai-sensei dan Iin-senpai cuma aku, Lieny, dan Retin-senpai. Para kōhai harus ikut kelas untuk acara anak-anak Wakayama bulan Maret nanti.
Yesterday Ai-sensei was supposed to come and talk with every member of Odori club. But because there're miscommunications in the end the ones who participated in the meeting with Ai-sensei and Iin-senpai were only me, Lieny, and Retin-senpai. The underclassmen must get into a class for the upcoming Wakayama students event next March.
Meeting-nya jam 1 di kampus Kijang didampingi Hendy-sensei, tapi hanya pada bagian awalnya saja mengenai klub Odori Binus. Ai-sensei and Iin-sensei pertama meluruskan dulu kalau klub Odori Binus dan Misora Dancer adalah dua organisasi yang terpisah. Klub Odori milik Binus, sedangkan Misora Dancer milik Ai Project. Klub Odori Binus belajar Soran, tarian tradisional Indonesia, dan tarian Jepang yg dulu pernah diajarkan Nalti-sensei. Misora Dancer belajar tariannya Ai-sensei.
The meeting started at 1 p.m. at Kijang campus accompanied by Hendy-sensei, but only for the first part about Binus' Odori club. Ai-sensei and Iin-sensei first made it clear that Binus' Odori club and Misora Dancer are two different organisations. Odori club belongs to Binus while Misora Dancer belongs to Ai Project. Odori club practices Soran, traditional Indonesian dances, and Japanese dance that used to be taught by Nalti-sensei. Misora Dancer practices Ai-sensei's Japanese dances.
Yesterday Ai-sensei was supposed to come and talk with every member of Odori club. But because there're miscommunications in the end the ones who participated in the meeting with Ai-sensei and Iin-senpai were only me, Lieny, and Retin-senpai. The underclassmen must get into a class for the upcoming Wakayama students event next March.
Meeting-nya jam 1 di kampus Kijang didampingi Hendy-sensei, tapi hanya pada bagian awalnya saja mengenai klub Odori Binus. Ai-sensei and Iin-sensei pertama meluruskan dulu kalau klub Odori Binus dan Misora Dancer adalah dua organisasi yang terpisah. Klub Odori milik Binus, sedangkan Misora Dancer milik Ai Project. Klub Odori Binus belajar Soran, tarian tradisional Indonesia, dan tarian Jepang yg dulu pernah diajarkan Nalti-sensei. Misora Dancer belajar tariannya Ai-sensei.
The meeting started at 1 p.m. at Kijang campus accompanied by Hendy-sensei, but only for the first part about Binus' Odori club. Ai-sensei and Iin-sensei first made it clear that Binus' Odori club and Misora Dancer are two different organisations. Odori club belongs to Binus while Misora Dancer belongs to Ai Project. Odori club practices Soran, traditional Indonesian dances, and Japanese dance that used to be taught by Nalti-sensei. Misora Dancer practices Ai-sensei's Japanese dances.
Monday, January 11, 2016
Blok M Plaza Matsuri 2014
Waktu Blok M Plaza Matsuri 2014, tema-nya beda. Gak ada patung Samurai yang besar kyk tahun ini. Gantinya Project Ai buka booth yang jual barang2 dari Jepang yg dibawa Ai-sensei. Tampil dan jualan Sabtu-Minggu, hasilnya bagus. Bahkan Ibuku juga beli kaos buat oleh-oleh buat keponakan. Kalau nari biasanya rambut yang panjang harus disanggul, tapi entah kenapa untuk kali ini cuma diikat biasa gk apa2 tampil. Kabar baiknya gk usah mesti pakai hairspray kalau begini :D
During Blok M Plaza Matsuri 2014, the theme was different. There's no huge Samurai statue like this year. In exchange Project Ai opened a booth that was selling many things from Japan brought by Ai-sensei. The performance and sell were from Saturday to Sunday, the result was good. And even Mom also bought a t-shirt for souvenir for my niece. Usually when dancing those with long hair must tied it up, but for some reason this time it's alright to normally tied it. The good news is I didn't have to use hairspray :D
During Blok M Plaza Matsuri 2014, the theme was different. There's no huge Samurai statue like this year. In exchange Project Ai opened a booth that was selling many things from Japan brought by Ai-sensei. The performance and sell were from Saturday to Sunday, the result was good. And even Mom also bought a t-shirt for souvenir for my niece. Usually when dancing those with long hair must tied it up, but for some reason this time it's alright to normally tied it. The good news is I didn't have to use hairspray :D
Mulai nari Dōshite. (Foto diambil Ibu)
Starting to dance Doushite (Photo taken by Mom)
Dua tahun lalu pentas di acara COSGRAPH di Taman Ismail Marzuki. Panggungnya besar, gk kayak sebelumnya tempat aku ikut pentas. Datang kepagian, jadi aku diminta Iin-senpai buat cek audio, mastiin lagu-nya bisa diputar sama lihat posisi panggung. Begitu udah siangan, baru siap-siap buat tampil. Pas aku bilang Ortu dua-duanya datang, aku langsung ditempatin di posisi depan buat nari suapaya Bpk-Ibu bisa lihat lebih jelas. Alasan dari Ai-sensei dan Okaa-san, secara singkat: "Make your parents proud" semacam itu yang nggak susah diterjemahin.
Two Years ago performed in COSGRAPH event at Taman Ismail Marzuki. The stage was huge, unlike before where I used to perform. Arriving too early, I was asked by Iin-senpai to check the audio, making sure the song can be used and checked the stage positions. In the afternoon, we're getting ready to perform. When I said my parents are both watching, immediately I was placed in the front row to dance so my Dad and Mom can see me clearer. Ai-sense and Okaa-san's reason was, in short: Make your parents proud" and such.
Apesnya, gara2 ini, aku langsung gugup dan grogi. Dan bodohnya, saat tarian terakhir hampir mau selesai, aku gk sengaja ngejatuhin sensu-ku (kipas) *///Gyaaaaa///* Ugh...malu, deh. Meski yang lain bilang gk apa2 tapi tetep aja malu! Padahal udah ditempatin di depan... Seperti biasa, sehabis selesai nari, langsung pada selfie. Sebenernya aku mau tinggal agak lebih lama buat makan, tapi karena Bpk ada acara, jadi cuma bisa beli satu box takoyaki.
Unfortunately, because of this, I became extremely nervous. And stupidly, at the last part of the dance, I accidentally dropped my sensu (fan) *///Gyaaaa///* embarrassing. Even though everyone said it was okay, it's still embarrassing! Even though I was placed in the front... As usual, after performance, everybody took a selfie picture. I actually wanted to stay a bit longer to eat, but because Dad already had appointment, I could only bought a box of takoyaki.
Two Years ago performed in COSGRAPH event at Taman Ismail Marzuki. The stage was huge, unlike before where I used to perform. Arriving too early, I was asked by Iin-senpai to check the audio, making sure the song can be used and checked the stage positions. In the afternoon, we're getting ready to perform. When I said my parents are both watching, immediately I was placed in the front row to dance so my Dad and Mom can see me clearer. Ai-sense and Okaa-san's reason was, in short: Make your parents proud" and such.
Di belakang panggung sebelum tampil.
(Behind the stage before performing)
Banner COSGRAPH di panggung.
(Banner COSGRAPH onstage)
Apesnya, gara2 ini, aku langsung gugup dan grogi. Dan bodohnya, saat tarian terakhir hampir mau selesai, aku gk sengaja ngejatuhin sensu-ku (kipas) *///Gyaaaaa///* Ugh...malu, deh. Meski yang lain bilang gk apa2 tapi tetep aja malu! Padahal udah ditempatin di depan... Seperti biasa, sehabis selesai nari, langsung pada selfie. Sebenernya aku mau tinggal agak lebih lama buat makan, tapi karena Bpk ada acara, jadi cuma bisa beli satu box takoyaki.
Unfortunately, because of this, I became extremely nervous. And stupidly, at the last part of the dance, I accidentally dropped my sensu (fan) *///Gyaaaa///* embarrassing. Even though everyone said it was okay, it's still embarrassing! Even though I was placed in the front... As usual, after performance, everybody took a selfie picture. I actually wanted to stay a bit longer to eat, but because Dad already had appointment, I could only bought a box of takoyaki.
Pentas di Central Park ~ Performance at Central Park ~
Desember 2013 ikut tampil di Central Park hari Sabtu. Dapat yukata lama dari Nenek, langsung kupakai buat hari ini! Tapi beberapa menit sebelum tampil baru sadar ternyata yukata-nya kurang panjang karena lipatan bagian bawah-nya nggak kelihatan. Tapi udah kelanjur pakai dan gk ada yukata lain lagi jadi Ai-sensei maklumi.
Saturday, December 2013 performed at Central Park. I got an old yukata from Grandma that I immediately wore that day! But a few minutes before performing I just realised that the yukata was not quite long yet because the folding below the obi wasn't visible. But I already wore it and there were no other yukatas so Ai-sensei allowed it for this time.
Buat hari ini gk nari tarian modern, cuma Bon Odori aja bareng penonton. Kebanyakan anak kecil yang ikut nari :D
For this day we're not doing modern dances, only Bon Odori together with the audiences. Most of them are children :D
Saturday, December 2013 performed at Central Park. I got an old yukata from Grandma that I immediately wore that day! But a few minutes before performing I just realised that the yukata was not quite long yet because the folding below the obi wasn't visible. But I already wore it and there were no other yukatas so Ai-sensei allowed it for this time.
Foto bareng Snowman sebelum tampil (Foto diambil Bpk)
Photo along with Snowman before performing (Photo taken by Dad)
Buat hari ini gk nari tarian modern, cuma Bon Odori aja bareng penonton. Kebanyakan anak kecil yang ikut nari :D
For this day we're not doing modern dances, only Bon Odori together with the audiences. Most of them are children :D
Odori SMP ~ Middle-School Odori ~
Kebetulan nemu foto ini waktu iseng-iseng lihat album Ibu. Foto sewaktu SMP nari Bon Odori. Waktu itu aku ikut ekskul bahasa Jepang. Untuk acara pentas seni, guru ekskul, Frita-sensei, yang dulu juga jadi pemandu selama aku liburan dua minggu di Jepang, ngajarin tari Bon Odori. Karena udah lama jadi udah lupa kyk gimana Bon Odori-nya.
I just happened finding this photo when I looked at Mom's album. A photo when I was middle-school dancing Bon Odori. At that time I joined Japanese Language extracurricular. For Art Performance, the teacher, Frita-sensei, the one who was also my guide during my two weeks holiday in Japan, taught us Bon Odori. Because it's already been a long time I forget the Bon Odori.
I just happened finding this photo when I looked at Mom's album. A photo when I was middle-school dancing Bon Odori. At that time I joined Japanese Language extracurricular. For Art Performance, the teacher, Frita-sensei, the one who was also my guide during my two weeks holiday in Japan, taught us Bon Odori. Because it's already been a long time I forget the Bon Odori.
Pentas di Unversitas Indonesia ~ Performance at Indonesia University ~
Dua tahun lalu (Nggak begitu inget) pentas di pembukaan acara Bonenkai di UI. Sastra Jepang UI bikin acara festival Jepang seperti pada umumnya. Semua udah harus pada datang pagi-pagi sebelum acaranya mulai buat make-up dan sebagainya di belakang panggung. Begitu aku sampai di sana aku bingung panggungnya di sebelah mana. Akhirnya pas nanya ternyata ada di gedung utama. Masalah baru lagi, aku gk tahu masuk ke ruang gantinya lewat mana. Telpon Senpai pun tetap bingung sampai akhirnya ketemu jendela ruang ganti. Karena gk tahu pintu masuknya sebelah mana, aku masuk lewat jendela, deh. Untung badan kecil dan kurus jadi bisa masuk, hehehe XD
Mulai nari Mirai e
(Dancing Mirai e)
(Dancing Mirai e)
Selfie setelah selesai pentas.
(Selfie after performance)
Pentasnya dimulai sekitar jam 10, total 4 tarian yang ditampilin, nggak termasuk Bon Odori. Setelahnya, semua pada selfie di ruang ganti sebelum bebas mau langsung pulang atau jalan-jalan nikmati festival. Sebelum pulang, udah pasti aku enjoy festival-nya dulu, dong~ Terus, yg gk nyangka lagi ternyata ketemu teman sekelas sewaktu SD & SMP, Thalita! Kebetulan ketemu pas lagi liat booth mainan. Dia jadi panitia Bonenkai. Ada juga jembatan yang didekorasi bunga Sakura dari kertas. Mumpung lagi pakai yukata, foto2~
Foto bareng Ibu.
Latihan Saman ~ Saman Practice ~
Hari Jum'at kemarin latihan tari Saman buat persiapan acara bulan Maret nanti, menyambut anak-anak dari Osaka dan Wakayama yang akan datang ke Binus. Kali ini dua teman seangkatan, Faizah sama Maya juga ikut gabung latihan! Dan Faizah yang jadi coach buat semuanya karena dia yang paling hafal Saman! Tarian Saman-nya sama kayak yang tahun sebelumnya, tapi kali ini Faizah nambahin gerakan baru. Yang bersangkutan juga bilang dari dulu pingin ditambah XD
At Friday we practiced Saman dance for the event next March, welcoming students from Osaka and Wakayama who will come to Binus. This time there were two classmates who joined the practice with me, Faizah and Maya! And Faizah also becomes the coach for everyone because she's the one who remembers Saman the most! The Saman dance was the same as years before, but this time Faizah decided to add new moves. The former said she had always wanted to add it XD
Capek juga karena perlahan-lahan tempo gerakannya jadi makin cepet, selain itu duduk seiza terus kaki jadi kesemutan dan pegel2. Karena susah latihan tanpa ada ketua selama nari Saman ini, akhirnya salah satu kōhai, Anna (anak yang di tengah di foto), dipilih buat jadi ketua :D
It was quite tiring because slowly the tempo became faster, and throughout the dance we must sit in seiza style so our foots were crammed. Because it'll be difficult to practice without a leader during Saman dance, in the end we pick one of the juniors, Anna (at the centre of the photo), to become the leader.
Selain itu juga ada masalah buat nyanyi lagu Saman-nya. Harusnya semua anggota nyanyi, tapi bukan hanya belum pada hafal, ada khawatir kalau semuanya nyanyi nanti tenaga-nya cepet abis sebelum selesai. Sejauh ini ada dua orang yang hafal, tapi biar lebih aman, aku juga mau hafalin lagunya... Sampai sekarang masih belum hafal, sih...(_ _lll)
And there's also problem with singing the Saman song. All members supposed to sing it together, but not only we have yet to memorized the lyrics, we're also worried that if everyone sings it will cost a lot of energies before finish. So far only two people remembers the song, but just in case, I also want to memorise the song... Until now I'm still trying to memorise though...(_ _lll)
At Friday we practiced Saman dance for the event next March, welcoming students from Osaka and Wakayama who will come to Binus. This time there were two classmates who joined the practice with me, Faizah and Maya! And Faizah also becomes the coach for everyone because she's the one who remembers Saman the most! The Saman dance was the same as years before, but this time Faizah decided to add new moves. The former said she had always wanted to add it XD
Suasana para kōhai sedang latihan. Karena aku sama Faizah ada kelas, jadi selesainya duluan.
(The juniors were training. Me and Faizah have a class, so we finished first).
(The juniors were training. Me and Faizah have a class, so we finished first).
Capek juga karena perlahan-lahan tempo gerakannya jadi makin cepet, selain itu duduk seiza terus kaki jadi kesemutan dan pegel2. Karena susah latihan tanpa ada ketua selama nari Saman ini, akhirnya salah satu kōhai, Anna (anak yang di tengah di foto), dipilih buat jadi ketua :D
It was quite tiring because slowly the tempo became faster, and throughout the dance we must sit in seiza style so our foots were crammed. Because it'll be difficult to practice without a leader during Saman dance, in the end we pick one of the juniors, Anna (at the centre of the photo), to become the leader.
Selain itu juga ada masalah buat nyanyi lagu Saman-nya. Harusnya semua anggota nyanyi, tapi bukan hanya belum pada hafal, ada khawatir kalau semuanya nyanyi nanti tenaga-nya cepet abis sebelum selesai. Sejauh ini ada dua orang yang hafal, tapi biar lebih aman, aku juga mau hafalin lagunya... Sampai sekarang masih belum hafal, sih...(_ _lll)
And there's also problem with singing the Saman song. All members supposed to sing it together, but not only we have yet to memorized the lyrics, we're also worried that if everyone sings it will cost a lot of energies before finish. So far only two people remembers the song, but just in case, I also want to memorise the song... Until now I'm still trying to memorise though...(_ _lll)
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Soran in Innovirus
Bulan lalu sewaktu acara Innovirus di kampus Kijang, junior-junior klub Odori Binus ngisi acara tampilin Soran! Aku gk ikut tampil karena sebelumnya belum sempat latihan terus, jadi cuma nonton ambil foto sama video-nya aja. Minna kakkoi yo!
A month ago during Innovirus in Kijang Campus, the juniors from Binus' Odori club performed Soran! I didn't participate because I haven't learn Soran before because I'm too busy, so I only watched and took a video. Everyone is so cool!
A month ago during Innovirus in Kijang Campus, the juniors from Binus' Odori club performed Soran! I didn't participate because I haven't learn Soran before because I'm too busy, so I only watched and took a video. Everyone is so cool!
Suasana sebelum tampil.
(Before performance)
Nadia langsung diwawancara sehabis tampil.
(Nadia being interviewed after performance)
Setelah selesai tampil, aku baru ikut latihan bareng mereka. Ini pertama kalinya aku latihan Soran. Yang sebelum2nya cuma belajar tarian Jepang-nya Ai-sensei. Senior yang ikut latihan cuma aku, sisanya angkatan di bawahku. Aku yang senior jadi junior-nya junior-juniorku deh, diajarin tariannya sama mereka. Hehehe~! XD
After performance, I started to practice with them. This was the first time I practiced Soran. Before I only practiced Ai-sensei's dances. I'm the only senior who joined the practice, while the rest are my juniors. I, the senior, became the junior of my juniors, being taught the dance by them. Hehehe~! XD
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