Yesterday Sunday Iin-senpai finally got married! Yesterday I really wanted to come, but when we were about to prepare my Mom just realised that the wedding location was too faraway from home. Also, the way there was a traffic area and my Mom completely doesn't know the area. Even though I've been looking forward for that day...I even said to Senpai that I promise I will came, but I didn't get to come...*sob*...(TT_TT)
Aku baca soal pesta pernikahannya di facebook, foto-fotonya di-upload. Dan ternyata saat pesta anggota Ai Project yang datang kasih hadiah buat Iin-senpai dengan Odori! Dan mempelai wanita yang bersangkutan juga ikut nari! Iin-senpai, SELAMAT!
I read about the party in facebok, the photos were uploaded. And it turned out that during the party, Ai Project members who came gave Iin-senpai a present: Odori! And the said bride also danced! Iin-senpai, CONGRATULATION!
(Husband and Wife)
Iin-senpai dan Ai-sensei
(Iin-senpai and Ai-sensei)
Iin-senpai menari
(Iin-senpai dancing)
Semuanya nari Bon Odori bareng
(Everyone dancing Bon Odori together)