Monday, February 8, 2016

Latihan Odori Minggu 7 Februari ~ Odori Practice Sunday 7th February ~

Hari Minggu kemarin ada latihan Odori seperti biasa di Blok M Plaza. Tapi, ternyata yg datang cuma aku sama Vidya! Jadi cuma berdua aja latihan sama Iin-senpai. Karena cuma berdua, bener difokusin latihannya! Kalau rame2 gk begitu jelas, tapi karena cuma berdua, kelihatan jelas di bagian mana gerakannya yg salah. Awalnya latihan Planetarium, tapi setelah itu dibagi dua: Vidya latihan Planetarium, aku latihan Chiisana Koi no Uta. Setelahnya refresh ulang lagi semua tarian yg udah pernah dipelajari... Huuu...banyak yg lupa...(TT_TT)

Yesterday Sunday there was Odori Practice as usual at Blok M Plaza. But it turned out only Vidya and I came to practice! So only the two of us practiced with Iin-senpai. Because there were only two of us, the practice was really focused! If it was together with everyone else isn't really clear, but since it was only the two of us, it was clear which part of the movements we got wrong. At first we practiced Planetarium, but afterwards was split into two: Vidya practiced Planetarium, while I practiced Chiisana Koi no uta. Afterwards refreshed all over again the dances I've studied...Ugh...there are so many that I've forgotten...(TT_TT)

Sehabis latihan Ai-sensei datang bawa kue ultah. Jadi, tgl 4 yang lalu Ai-sensei ulang tahun. Semuanya pada bikin kejutan bawain kue buat Ai-sensei. Tapi beliau gk bisa habisin semuanya sendiri, jadi dibagi ke aku sama Vidya. Tapi ujung-ujungnya Vidya cuma makan sepotong dan aku bawa pulang semua sisa kue-nya. Ai-sensei bilang karena aku kelihatannya suka banget makan kue-nya (kue-nya memang enak sih, sampai aku makan dua potong sambil senyum bahagia, hehehe), jadi disuruh bawa aja semuanya. Strawberry Cheesecake sama kue cokelatnya enak banget!

After the practice Ai-sensei came bringing her birthday cakes. 4th February ago was Ai-sensei's birthday. Everyone made a surprise, bringing cakes for Ai-sensei. But she couldn't finish the cakes on her own, so she shared it with me and Vidya. But in the end Vidya only ate one slice and I brought home the rest of the cakes. Ai-sensei said because I looked really like eating the cakes (the cakes were indeed tasty that I ate two slices while smiling happily, hehehe), so I was told to bring all of it back home. The Strawberry Cheesecake and the chocolate cakes were great!

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