Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year 2016!



Akhirnya dunia memasuki tahun 2016! Tahun ini sudah ada banyak hal yang dinantikan. Semoga tahun ini pun banyak hal baik dan menyenangkan yang bisa dialami. Dan yang pasti semoga tahun ini bisa lulus kuliah!

Finally the world enters Year 2016~ This year there are many things that has been expected. I hope this year there will be good and fun things to be experienced. And this year I can graduate from college!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Blok M Plaza Matsuri

Hari Minggu kemarin ikut pentas Odori di acara Blok M Plaza Matsuri!

Yesterday I participated in Odori performance in Blok M Plaza Matsuri event!

Acaranya lebih ramai daripada tahun lalu. Karena udah lama nggak ikut latihan Odori jadi deg-degan, tapi syukurlah semuanya berakhir dengan baik. Sebenarnya udah bawa yukata sendiri, tapi Ai-sensei suruh pakai yukata yang beliau bawa. Kawaii yukata~ (^w^)

The event was more crowded than last year. I was nervous because I hadn't practice for a long time, but I'm glad everything ended well. Actually, I already brought my own yukata, but Ai-sensei told me to wear the yukata that she had brought. Such a cute yukata~ (^w^)

Karena berdekatan sama natal, di akhir acara ada "salju" yang turun ke panggung dari atas. Dari kelihatannya bagus, tapi jujur aja kalo kena "salju"-nya nggak akan begitu suka, deh. Soalnya "salju"-nya itu sebenarnya busa deterjen jadi lengket pas kena (_ _lll)

Since it was near Christmas, at the end of the event there're "snow" fell onto the stage from above. From the look it was fine, but to be honest if you touched the "snow" you won't like it very much. Because the "snow" was actually a detergent bubble, so it got sticky if you're touched (_ _lll)

Tapi overall tetap seru! Tgl 2 Januari nanti juga mau ada pentas Odori lagi :D

But overall it's still fun! At January 2nd there will be another Odori performance :D

Monday, December 21, 2015

Selamat Hari Ibu ~ Happy Mother's Day ~

Hari ini tgl 22 Desember, berarti...

Today is December 22nd, which means...



Ibu, terima kasih atas semua cinta dan kasih sayang yang sudah Ibu berikan selama ini! Aku pokoknya akan selalu sayang deh, dari sekarang dan seterusnya!

Mother, thank you for all the love and care you've given to me for all this time! I will always love you, from now on and forever!

Khusus untuk hari ini, dua minggu yang lalu aku nyari hadiah di Bintaro Plaza. Bingung enaknya beli hadiah apa buat Hari Ibu (lagi hemat duit juga soalnya, hehehe (^_^;) ). Jadi pas nanya mba-nya, rekomendasinya photo frame ini. Mungkin memang kekanak-kanakan, tapi photo frame yg lain kemahalan, jadi beli yang ini, deh. Kalo cuma photo frame-nya aja terlalu biasa, jadi aku buat gambar dari beberapa kumpulan foto aku sama Ibu trus kumasukin ke photo frame-nya. Photo frame-nya kubungkus trus kusimpan dalam tas Ibu biar jadi kejutan :D

Specially for today, two weeks ago I was looking for a present at Bintaro Plaza. I'm confused what kind of present I should buy for Mother's Day (I'm also saving my money, hehehe (^_^;) ). So when I asked the shopkeeper, she recommended this photo frame. Maybe it's childish, but the other photo frames were too expensive, so I bought this one. Just the photo frame would be too plain, so I made a picture from photos of me and Mom then I put it inside the photo frame. I wrapped the photo frame and then I put it inside Mom's bag so it will be a surprise :D

Friday, December 11, 2015

First Entry!

Halo, semuanya~

Prasti di sini! Akhirnya aku jadi juga ngebuat blog pertama. Dari dulu sebenernya kepikiran pingin bikin blog, tapi kelupaan melulu hehehe... XD

Di blog ini aku akan posting segala kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan grup Odori Ai Project dan Misora Dancer, grup yang belajar tarian Jepang dibawah bimbingan Ai Hasuda-sensei, dan fanfiction yang kutulis sendiri. Tapi sebelum upload banyak entry aku harus edit desain blog-nya supaya jadi lebih bagus. Yosha!

Dan blog ini sengaja kubuat bilingual supaya orang asing yang gk bisa bahasa Indonesia juga bisa baca blog ini.

Hello, everyone~

Prasti is here! Finally I made my first blog. I had wanted to make my own blog since long time ago, but I always forgot hehehe...XD

In this blog I will post every activities related to group of Odori Project Ai and Misora Dancer, a group that studies Japanese dance under Ai Hasuda-sensei's guidance, and fan fictions that I wrote myself. But before uploading many entries I must edit the blog design first to make it better. Alright!

And I purposely writes this blog bilingually so that foreigners who doesn't understand Indonesia can also read this blog.